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There are many reasons that lead to missing teeth as an adult, whether that’s due to a congenital problem, because of an accident or gum disease, etc.

While we understand this is a sensitive issue that can cause embarrassment, it’s important to note that it is also common and you’re certainly not alone.

As a private dentist in Manchester, we want to help you feel confident and smile just like you used to, which is why we offer several options to replace your missing teeth. Take a look at the reasons why and how you should replace them.

Why Should You Replace Missing Teeth?

The impact a missing tooth can have on your self-confidence is a great incentive to have it replaced. So, if you find that you’re covering your mouth when you laugh, or you try not to smile – even around people you feel comfortable with – you may want to look into a treatment option.

Don’t let the issue drag on for months or years; give us a call on 0161 637 7370, and we’ll be happy to discuss your needs with you.

When you’re missing a tooth, your other teeth work extra hard to make up for the loss — this happens no matter what you’re doing. Simple things like eating or speaking can lead to wear and tear and your bite may also change.

Another benefit of replacing a missing tooth is that, without it, your bone structure may alter. Both the jawbone and the gum can pull back, which means that other teeth can be impacted as well. You can avoid this by filling the missing spot. If you have several missing teeth, you may also find it hard to eat what you love; for example, if it’s difficult to chew.

Options to Replace Missing Teeth

At Bespoke Dental Clinic, we offer several treatments for people who want to replace missing teeth and regain their confidence: dentures, bridges and dental implants. There are several advantages to choosing these options, which we will discuss in more detail below.


Dentures are removable and made to replace missing teeth and soft tissue. You don’t need to have surgery to get dentures, and you’ll notice that chewing will become a lot easier with them – what’s more, your confidence will also improve!

It’s crucial that you select a dentist capable of providing dentures that match with your other teeth and which look great no matter where you are or what you’re doing, be it smiling or talking. We’re detail-oriented here at the Bespoke Dental Clinic so, if you’re looking for dentures in Manchester, we can help.


When you opt for dental bridges, you’re getting a fixed, non-removable solution that can replace one or two teeth in a row. It’s important that your dentist makes sure your teeth have the strength to withstand this treatment, which is another reason why it’s so critical to select the right clinic for your needs.

Bridges are permanent, feel natural and are a cost-efficient way to replace missing teeth, so it’s not surprising it’s also a very popular treatment. Talk to us to learn more about what to expect from it.

Dental Implants

If, on the other hand, you’re interested in dental implants in Manchester, you can rest assured you’re getting a permanent option with a high success rate. This is the most advanced procedure and can help you replace as many teeth as you’d like.

The latest techniques allow you to incorporate crowns, bridges and dentures into the implants, so the choice is yours! Because every case is unique, we work closely with you to ensure that you receive a completely bespoke treatment tailor-made for your mouth.

Dental implants use bionic tooth roots and offer a look so natural no one will be able to tell you’ve had them done.

Which Treatment is Best for You?

This will depend on your issue, the structure of your mouth or your personal preference. For example, if your teeth are not as strong as they could be, then a bridge may not be the right option for you; if you want a removable solution, then dentures are a great way to go about it.

This decision may also depend on your budget, but don’t let this stop you from getting the best treatment for you. We’ll be more than happy to discuss pricing and our loyalty plans, which allows you to enjoy the best of private care on a fixed fee basis.

You don’t have to make this decision by yourself – if you’re unsure which option is suitable we’ll discuss them all with you to ensure you’re as informed as possible before choosing. After all, we’re expert dentists with many years of experience treating all conditions and addressing all issues.

If you’d like more information about what our treatments for missing teeth entail or about any of our other procedures, contact us today to speak to a member of the team.