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Did you know that, according to a survey by the Cosmetic Surgery Solicitors, 40% of Britons are not happy with the way their teeth look? Stains can be unsightly and make people feel self-conscious, leading to them trying out whitening products from beauty salons or online stores – however, these products are illegal and actually do more harm than good.

If you’re looking to remove deep stains from teeth, it’s better to speak to a professional who knows what they’re doing. As a private dentist in Manchester, we provide excellent teeth whitening treatments that will give you back your smile and your confidence.

The Different Types of Stains

There are many reasons why your teeth can become stained, and knowing how it happens can help you to better understand stains and why they happen – and, of course, to avoid them if you can.

Extrinsic Stains

These types of stains occur on the outer layer of the enamel, a substance that protects the dentine underneath. While the enamel is hard and keeps the tooth protected, it can also stain due to certain foods and drinks (like coffee and tea), or smoking, etc.

These types of stains are easier to remove, so you don’t have to stress about drinking that glass of wine or getting your morning caffeine! A simple, regular cleaning at the dentist coupled with good oral hygiene can be all your need, but don’t be too abrasive when brushing, as this can damage your teeth.

You may also require teeth whitening, depending on your particular situation. Get in touch if you’d like more information on how to get rid of your teeth stains.

Intrinsic Stains

Intrinsic stains are a bit more complicated to remove since they affect the dentine underneath. Dentine is darker in colour so, when it pokes through the enamel, it can make your teeth look yellower or stained. This can happen if you’re too aggressive when brushing your teeth or if the enamel erodes due to acidic foods, for example.

While you may not be able to remove these stains at home, you’ll be happy to know that a dentist can help you make your teeth whiter and brighter once more. A professional treatment, such as our teeth whitening in Manchester, can do the trick.

Stains Due to Age

Unfortunately, as we age, our teeth tend to get darker as our enamel becomes thinner. A dentist can help improve your teeth’ appearance by removing some of the staining with a teeth whitening procedure, so not all hope is lost!

Don’t worry in silence – if you’re concerned or embarrassed about yellower or darker teeth, why not contact us to discuss this? Our expert dentists will be happy to help.

How to Avoid Teeth Stains

It’s impossible to completely avoid stains all your life, especially as you age, but extrinsic stains can be preventable. For example, you can reduce the amount of tea, coffee and red wine you drink, cut back sugary drinks like Coke and Pepsi and even avoid foods with spices that can colour your teeth.

This will help you avoid extrinsic staining. Intrinsic stains may be more difficult to prevent, as some will be outside of your control. Certain medications can darken your teeth, as can genetics and even excess fluoride as a child.

However, if you’re not happy with how your teeth look, Bespoke Dental Clinic will be able to help you with our treatments.

How to Remove Stains from Teeth

Teeth whitening is a useful procedure to help you get rid of stains, offering a whiter smile that you can be proud of. Depending on your needs, you can choose between a home whitening treatment (Boutique) or a procedure that combines both home and in-office whitening (Enlighten).

With Boutique, we use a mould to create bespoke whitening trays that perfectly match your teeth. All you have to do is apply a gel by following the instructions, and you will start to see results immediately.

As for the Enlighten method, you’ll be happy to know this is one of the most efficient treatments out there, as it guarantees a Vita shade B1 for all patients at a 98% success rate.

Both methods have many benefits, so we can work with you to choose the best one to reflect your situation and suit your lifestyle. They’re also safe for everyone.

Of course, you’ll also want to keep up good oral practice by flossing and brushing your teeth regularly, on top of avoiding specific foods and drinks. If you end up consuming anything acidic, like orange juice, you should wait for at least half an hour before brushing in order to protect your enamel – this will help you prevent intrinsic stains from exposed dentine.

We offer efficient teeth whitening procedures tailored specifically to you, which will give you the best results. Get a quote today or book an appointment; our professional dentists will help you understand which treatment you should choose.