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Looking after your teeth should be something you aim to achieve daily. However, when it comes to looking after them after you have undergone treatments, well, that can be a little more challenging, or so most people think. However, looking after your pearly whites post-treatment or surgery can often be reasonably straightforward and take no more time than your regular dental hygiene routines.

As a leading dentist providing smile makeovers in Manchester, we offer a range of services and treatments to help you get the smile of your dreams. So, today we will be exploring how to take care of your mouth after you may have chosen to upgrade your smile

Aftercare for Teeth Whitening

Caring for your new white smile can be relatively simple, unlike many other cosmetic treatments. Once you have received treatments from our teeth whitening services in Manchester, the most important thing which may be on your mind is how to preserve the brightness of your pearly whites for longer. During the first week after your treatment, you could choose tooth-whitening toothpaste to help maintain their sparkle. Brushing them twice a day as part of your regular dental care will also help preserve them.

Additionally, it may be time to consider your diet. Many foods are renowned for staining teeth, so avoiding things that may discolour them will help. For example, tobacco, red wine, and coffee are the three biggest culprits for staining teeth. However, many foods can also stain teeth, such as cola, coloured soda and even red berries. Although you may not wish to eliminate these entirely, cutting back can help minimise the damage. You can always drink through a straw, as this will minimise the contact of your teeth when consuming a coloured drink.

Looking After Your Dentures

The most common question from patients who receive our dentures in Manchester is, “how do I look after them?”. Well, again, the answer is reasonably simple—regular oral hygiene routines. Dentures are removable appliances which are designed to replace missing teeth. These apparatuses can replace several or all of a patient’s teeth to give them the full smile they deserve.

It can be relatively straightforward when you are looking to take care of your dentures. First, you remove the dentures from their attachments (often, this will be as easy as a quick click), then proceed with cleaning them, removing any build-up and residue as necessary. We also advise ensuring your gums are thoroughly cleaned twice daily to prevent infection from the fixings.

Many dentures may require soaking overnight to retain their moisture. Always ensure you are using the recommended solution as advised by the dentist who installed them to ensure you are not damaging the denture. We also recommend assessing the dentures for any damage and contacting your dentist to report any issues. This process ensures that the dentures function as they should, preventing any uneven biting that could cause issues within your jaw.

Taking Care of Your Dental Implants and Bridges

Dental implants or bridges are often the ideal solutions to replace individual missing teeth. Very soon after the procedure, you can expect to see bleeding from your gums for up to 72 hours. This is perfectly normal, as your gum is still healing. If this bleeding does not stop, contact your dentist for an assessment of the problem. However, you can bite on sterile gauze to help prevent blood from spilling out of your mouth.

We advise eating only soft food for at least a week after getting your dentures, as your jaw could be a little tender, and anything chewy or hard may injure the implant or bridge before it has a chance to settle. Keeping your mouth as clean as possible during this time is also advisable. However, once your mouth has settled, caring for bridges or implants is similar to caring for your teeth. Keep them clean twice a day and if there are any issues with the denture, visit our private dentist in Manchester, who will be able to address any concerns.

Aftercare for Teeth Veneers

Taking care of your veneers will ensure they last for an extended time and maintain their appearance for as long as possible. As with regular teeth, porcelain and composite veneers can be vulnerable to staining, so ensuring to minimise this with diet changes and regular cleaning is essential. As Veneers are made from alternative materials to your teeth, you may find they discolour at a different rate, but with proper care and maintenance, this should help minimise the staining.

Brush your veneers twice a day to help prevent any build-up of bacteria which may cause cavities underneath your veneer, which could compromise the treatment and cause infections. In addition, we recommend patients purchase a mouthguard with their veneers for sleeping. This can help minimise any grinding as you sleep, which could wear the veneers over time. We also advise steering clear of anything which may damage the veneers, such as hard sweets, ice and any food which could be brittle to bite to reduce the risk of chipping the material. Also, your veneers can last for many years with regular care. If you choose our porcelain veneers, they could last 10-15 years, if not longer. Some of our patients, who have taken great care of their porcelain veneers, have seen them last up to 30 years.

Regular Check-Ups for Any Treatment

Although regular check-ups are essential for the prolonged health of your teeth, if you have received any treatments such as veneers, implants and dentures, you must maintain regular visits with your dentist. Regular visits can also ensure the treatment you have received is still functioning as it should and is in the best condition, ensuring your bite is not being misaligned, which can cause issues in your jaw. Patients who have had apparatus implanted into the jaw are more likely to be vulnerable to cavities, which can lead to tooth decay and infections when treatments have not been cared for correctly.

Of course, ensuring the remaining teeth are in good condition is also essential when you have received treatment for other areas of your mouth. For example, a bridge relies on the stability of the surrounding teeth, so keeping these cared for and ensuring there is nothing untoward going on with them gives your bridge a healthier chance of lasting for a very long time. So, whatever your treatment has been, always keep up to date with your check-ups. It is vital to ensure that the money you have paid for your perfect smile doesn’t go to waste.

Dealing with Issues from Treatments

Aftercare is important regardless of your treatment, and being aware of any changes is essential for your dentist. We offer all of the above procedures as leading cosmetic dentists in Manchester, so we are happy to help with any aftercare worries or queries.

Even if you haven’t received your treatments from our clinic, if you are suffering any pain or issues with your treatments, we will be more than happy to take a look to address any problems you may be having. So, for any aftercare advice for any of our treatments or if you would like to have an assessment of any treatment which you feel hasn’t gone the way it should contact our friendly team today, who will answer any questions about our services.