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We understand that tooth loss can be quite an unnerving and daunting experience that can significantly affect your appearance and wreak havoc on your self-confidence. Not only can losing a tooth impact your ability to chew and speak, causing functional limitations that can send your quality of life rolling down a steep decline, but it also damages your dental health in general. If you have suffered the consequences of tooth loss and are seeking a long-term, practical, and durable treatment, we come bearing good news. 

Regardless of how you lost your teeth, our focus is on restoring your smile and your confidence, and improving the quality of your life. For that, we highly recommend the most reliable and safe tooth replacement option available on the market: dental implants.

Few advancements have revolutionised dental health quite like dental implants. They are an ingeniously tailored tooth replacement solution that not only offers immediate restoration of aesthetics and functionality but also prevents future complications.

Dental implants are lauded for being the gold standard for tooth replacement, and rightly so. They can replace damaged or missing teeth with artificial ones that look and function exactly like your natural teeth, if not better, helping you regain your looks and functionality and, of course, the confidence that comes with it. 

Although they are a suitable option for most people, not everyone is an immediate candidate for dental implants. Therefore, it is essential to understand what dental implants are, how they function, and whether or not they are the right treatment option for you. This article intends to explore dental implants in detail, offering insight into their benefits, types, estimated costs, and what you can expect from the procedure.


What are dental implants?

Dental implants are screw-like posts surgically placed into the jawbone to replace missing tooth roots. Typically made from biocompatible metal titanium, they provide solid support to hold the artificial replacement teeth in place. Artificial teeth can be fixed, like crowns and bridges, or removable, like dentures. These replacement teeth are made to closely match the colour of your natural teeth to give you a smile that you can flaunt with confidence.

A structure called an abutment is used to attach the artificial teeth to the dental implants. 

Once drilled into your jawbone, dental implants fuse and integrate tightly with the surrounding jawbone, a process known as osseointegration. This allows the implant to become firmly anchored in the bone without damaging it, slipping, or making noise, as is seen with alternative tooth replacement options, such as dentures or bridges. 


What are the benefits of getting dental implants?

In addition to significantly improving esthetics and chewing ability, dental implants offer many more benefits. They are excellent for maintaining bone density, preventing neighbouring teeth from shifting out of alignment, and promoting a balanced bite. Anchored resiliently into the jawbone, dental implants can blend seamlessly with the rest of your teeth, provide stability, and contribute to long-term oral health, standing as a testament to the advancements and innovations in dental technology. 

Listed below are some advantages of dental implants. They can help:

  • Prevent bone loss
  • Restore bite force
  • Prevent changes to your facial aesthetics that naturally result in tooth loss
  • Stabilise the adjacent teeth and prevent them from drifting toward the empty space
  • Prevent periodontal problems that can arise as a result of tooth movement
  • They provide excellent aesthetics as they resemble natural teeth better than other replacement options
  • Prevent tooth decay 
  • Improve speech
  • Provide proprioception, meaning that with implants, you can perceive changes in food hardness while chewing better as compared to someone with dentures


What are the various types of dental implants present?

Understanding the different types of implants available can provide enough information to help you make better and more informed decisions. 

There are two main types of implant materials used to replace missing teeth: titanium and zirconia.

Titanium implants

Titanium implants are the most common type of dental implant used. Titanium is a biocompatible material known for its exceptional ability to fuse with the surrounding jawbone. Owing to its many impressive qualities, among which durability and fracture resistance rank high, titanium implants can last for many years or even permanently. 

Zirconia implants

Zirconia implants are relatively new and mostly used as an alternative in patients allergic to titanium. 

There are three main types of dental implants used in dentistry:

  • Endosteal Implants: These are the most common type of dental implant and are typically shaped like screws or cylinders. They are inserted directly into the jawbone, making them ideal for patients with a healthy, dense bone structure. After a healing period, the implant integrates and fuses with the surrounding bone and serves as a strong base for sporting artificial teeth.
  • Subperiosteal Implants: For patients who have insufficient bone density and do not wish to undergo bone augmentation procedures, such as bone grafting, subperiosteal implants offer a suitable alternative. These implants are placed beneath the gum but on top of the jawbone rather than within it, offering a less invasive solution for securing artificial teeth.
  • Zygomatic Implants: This type is used when there is severe bone loss in the upper jaw. Rather than being placed in the jawbone, zygomatic implants anchor directly into the cheekbone, providing stability for patients who might otherwise need extensive bone grafting to hold an implant in place.

By offering a variety of implant options in our dental practice in Manchester, we make certain that we consistently cater to the diverse and unique needs of our patients to ensure that they receive only the most suitable and effective treatment possible. If you have experienced tooth loss, please do not hesitate to call us at 0161-637-7370 to book an appointment. We look forward to assisting you to achieve better dental health and improve the quality of your life. 


Who are suitable candidates for dental implants?

Generally speaking, all healthy individuals with good bone quality and gum health can safely get dental implants without the risk of any complications. Anyone missing one or several teeth makes a potential candidate for receiving dental implants. However, there are a few other criteria that need to be taken into consideration when assessing suitability for dental implant treatment. These include:

  • Age: Age is an important factor to be considered, as bone density and overall health fluctuate with age, which can negatively affect the success of the procedure. Ideally, you need to be over 18 years of age. Younger patients, whose jaws are still growing, may not be ideal candidates as the implants could shift and become unstable while they undergo bone development.

Bone density tends to decrease with age, affecting how well the implant integrates with the jawbone and lowering implant stability. If you are on the older side but are healthy and have optimum bone density, dental implants can drastically improve your life quality by facilitating better nutritional intake and encouraging an active and social lifestyle. 

It is noteworthy, however, that older individuals with underlying health conditions such as osteoporosis or diabetes, which can complicate the healing process and affect the long-term success of the implant, may not be suitable candidates for dental implant treatment. 

  • Sufficient bone density: You need to have an adequate amount of healthy bone that can hold the dental implants. In case you don’t have enough healthy bone available, you need to be able to receive a bone graft. 
  • Oral health: You need to have healthy gums and teeth. Poor oral hygiene, gum disease, or untreated dental issues can lead to complications such as infections, delayed healing, or implant failure. Maintaining optimal oral health before and after the procedure helps create a favourable environment for the implant, positively influencing its long-term success. It also minimises the risk of postoperative complications.
  • Patience: The importance of patience when undergoing dental implant treatment cannot be emphasised enough. This is because the process requires multiple dental visits and sufficient time to allow for proper healing. You need to have the patience to commit a few months to the process. After the initial placement of the implant post into the jawbone, osseointegration can take several months, depending on your health and the body’s ability to heal. Additionally, any preparatory treatments, such as bone grafting, may extend the timeline further. Rushing through these stages can compromise the success and longevity of the implant. 


Who are not ideal candidates for dental implants?

While most adults can receive dental implants, there are certain exceptions. To determine if you’re an ideal candidate, we recommend scheduling an initial consultation with us. Our experienced dentists will guide you through the eligibility criteria and inform you if any preparatory treatments are necessary before implant placement. These treatments may include a sinus lift, bone augmentation, or suggestions to improve your oral hygiene.

Certain lifestyle choices, health conditions, and treatments can significantly influence the healing of dental implants, as well as the health of the surrounding gum and bone. Conditions like gum disease, for instance, can alter the oral environment, increasing the risk of infection around the implants. This can ultimately cause implant failure or even lead to the loss of the implant.

Here is a comprehensive list of some contraindications for getting dental implants:

  • Acute illness
  • Infection in your bones or soft tissue pathology
  • Uncontrolled metabolic diseases, such as diabetes 
  • Health issues that hinder bone healing, such as osteoporosis
  • Smoking and use of tobacco
  • Advanced and active gum disease
  • Allergy to titanium
  • Being under 18 years of age
  • A history of radiation therapy to the jaw area

If you don’t qualify as a suitable candidate for receiving dental implants, you still have a range of alternative treatment options to choose from. Our team will discuss with you all the possible options, for example, crowns, bridges, and dentures, and then determine what works best for you. To get in touch, please call us at 0161-637-7370 and let our experts determine the right course of action for you. 


How are dental implants placed?

The dental implant procedure typically requires multiple visits, during which a team of trusted and highly skilled specialists, including dental surgeons, periodontists, and prosthodontists, work in collaboration with each other to ensure that you receive the best possible treatment results.

The initial consultation

History Taking

During the initial consultation, your dentist will begin by taking a detailed medical history, asking questions about your overall health, and inquiring about any pre-existing medical conditions, medications, or lifestyle factors, such as smoking, which could affect healing. A thorough dental history will also be taken, focusing on the cause of tooth loss, previous dental treatments, and oral health habits.

Clinical Examination

Once the history is complete, a clinical exam is conducted to evaluate the condition of the teeth, gums, and surrounding bone. Your dentist will take a look in your mouth and inspect for any signs of tooth decay or gum disease. They will then closely examine the potential site of implant placement to evaluate if it is ready to receive an implant. 

3D Scanning

A 3D scan is taken in-house to visualise the anatomical structures of your face and jaw three-dimensionally with a better and higher-quality picture. This innovative technology allows your surgeon to assess the quantity and quality of the bone, locate vital structures and nerve pathways located in close proximity to the implant site to reduce the risk of damaging them, and pre-plan the position of the final implant and crown before the procedure.

Thanks to these remarkable advancements in dental technology, your surgeon can plan and execute the dental implant procedure with the utmost accuracy and guarantee predictable results.

Preparation of the jawbone

Before receiving a dental implant, some people may require bone augmentation if they have insufficient bone density or volume in the jaw to support the implant optimally. This is a common requirement when bone loss has occurred secondary to factors such as prolonged tooth loss, gum disease, or trauma. 


Depending on your personal preferences and how well you can tolerate the dental implant procedure, a local anaesthetic or sedative is administered to make you comfortable. A local anaesthetic numbs the treatment area, so you don’t feel a thing while we work to give you the smile of your dreams. 

Dental implant placement

If you only require minor bone grafting, it can be done during the same visit as implant surgery. If so, you won’t have to wait for the bone to grow before getting a dental implant.

Implant placement usually involves a minimal surgical procedure in which a small incision is made in the gums to access the bone underneath. The implant post is then drilled into the jawbone. If you’ve recently had a tooth extraction, the dental implant can also be placed directly into the extraction socket, eliminating the need to cut the gums. 

Bone growth and healing

Once the metal implant post is placed inside your jawbone, we give it time to allow the bone to start growing and fusing strongly with it. This process of osseointegration can take several months for the bone to integrate fully with the implant’s surface. It builds a strong foundation for your implant to support your new teeth, and it is thus a crucial stage that can significantly influence the long-term stability of the dental implant. 

Abutment placement

Once the osseointegration is complete, a small metal device called a healing abutment is attached to the implant. This is the part that will hold your artificial teeth in the future. 

To place the abutment, your dentist re-opens your gums to expose the implant and attach the abutment to it. The gum is then allowed to heal and grow around the abutment. It is then left in place for about two weeks to allow your gums to heal fully before a crown can be placed on it. 

Your dentist may place the abutment at the same time they place the implant, so you don’t need to undergo a separate procedure for this step. However, there is an aesthetic downside to this. The abutment will be visible above your gumline and will show when you talk or smile. This is why many people prefer to have it placed in a separate visit. 

Artificial tooth placement

Once your gums have healed properly, your dentist makes impressions of your mouth and natural teeth. These impressions guide the creation of your dental crown—your new artificial tooth. When your crown is ready, and your jawbone is strong enough to support it, your dentist fixes your new tooth onto the implant. You have a choice of opting for either fixed or removable new teeth. 

If you have any questions or are curious to learn more about dental implant surgery, we encourage you to come have a chat with us at our clinic in Manchester. You can call us at 0161 637 7470 and book a consultation. We look forward to educating and motivating all our patients to help them take better care of their teeth. 


How can you maintain the health of your implants?

Taking proper care of your implants will keep them healthy and functioning well for years to come. Here are some tips to help you take better care of them:

Excellent oral hygiene

Ensure you brush your teeth twice daily, and don’t forget to floss between the teeth. Specially designed brushes, such as interdental brushes, can help you effectively clean between the teeth and the implant and keep the implant site free from plaque build-up.

Regular dental checkups

Scheduling regular dental checkups can also help pay dividends, allowing your dentist to identify and address any potential problems early to avoid complications later. Following the first year of having dental implants fitted, we recommend six monthly assessments and an annual inspection at our Salford clinic thereafter. This will allow your dentist to examine your mouth and ensure your implants are healthy and functioning well. In addition, visiting the dental hygienist for professional cleanings twice a year will provide the supportive therapy you need. 

Avoid damaging habits  

To keep your dental implants healthy, avoid damaging habits that can harm your artificial teeth, such as chewing on hard objects like nuts or candy and using your teeth as tools (to tear open packages). If you have a teeth-grinding habit, we suggest you talk to your dentist about it so it can be timely addressed. Teeth grinding or bruxism can subject your implants to excessive pressure, causing them to become loose or even crack. Avoid smoking tobacco products and bright-coloured food and drinks that can stain your crown and ruin the aesthetics of your smile. 

Dental implants can last a lifetime if you take the time and put in the effort to keep them healthy. The replacement teeth (crown, bridge, denture, etc.), however, may need to be replaced after 10 to 15 years due to the normal wear and tear that occurs with time. 

What is the cost of a dental implant in Manchester?

Average Pricing for Different Implant Types 

At Bespoke Dental & Implant Clinic, we never compromise on quality and will always guide you through the full selection of materials available. While prices may differ across various clinics, we prioritise working only with skilled master technicians and experienced dental surgeons to ensure you achieve the best possible outcome.

Here is a fee guide for dental implants to give you a rough estimate of the cost:

  • Consultation (including Panoramic Radiograph): £129
  • Basic Implant & Zirconia Screw Retained Crown £1800 (Fixed Price)
  • Premium Single Implant + Premium Implant Crown £2500 (Fixed Price)
  • 3D CBCT Scan: Small Field of View £149, Single Jaw £195, Dual Jaw £295
  • Full Arch Dental Implant Bridges on 4 Implants from £11,999
  • Full Arch Dental Implant Bridges on 6 Implants from £14,999
  • Same Day Smile – Implant Surgery + provisional Bridge Fit from £14,999

What Are the Factors That Can Affect Cost?

The cost of dental implants can vary based on several factors:

  • Number of implants required
  • Type or brand of implant used
  • Location of the implants in your mouth

For some patients, additional procedures may be necessary before implants, adding to the overall cost. These include:

  • Dental Sedation From £399
  • Bone Graft from £300
  • Temporary Denture/Bridge/ Crown from £300
  • Platelet-Rich-Fibrin Therapy from £300

Financing and Payment Options

At Bespoke Dental and Implant Clinic, we offer flexible payment options tailored to meet all financial needs and budgets. 

Talk to your dentist to discuss financing options in detail and allow them to devise a plan that best suits your budget. 

Why choose Bespoke Dental & Implant Clinic?

At Bespoke Dental & Implant Clinic, we take great pride in the exceptional services we offer our patients. Our team of highly skilled, experienced dentists and staff are committed to delivering the highest standard of care, utilising the latest in dental technology. From the very first encounter to the final stage of the dental implant process, we strive to go to the nth degree to achieve perfection while ensuring that every step of the process is as comfortable and stress-free as possible for our patients.

When looking for an implant dentist, it is important to feel confident that you are in safe hands. You need to know that the professionals you consult are experts in their field and can care for your dental needs in the best way possible. 

Many reasons make us stand out from the rest, and you can feel the difference in the quality of care we provide. 

  • We have invested heavily in the latest dental technology, meaning that you can enjoy the complete implant journey entirely in-house without having to go to different places for scans, etcetera. 
  • We have always prioritised collaboration between patients, fellow dental professionals, regulators, and medical device manufacturers to deliver good treatment outcomes. We collaborate with all the leading global implant manufacturers to offer you multiple implant brand options. 
  • As we prioritise your comfort, dental sedation options are available to make your experience as relaxing and calm as possible.
  • A highly experienced team of dental implant technicians
  • We do full mouth rehabilitation that can combine various options, such as veneers, crowns, bridges, and implants, ensuring that your needs and expectations are met successfully. 
  • We have a great team of dental surgeons with extensive experience. They have performed many dental implant procedures and placed thousands of implants. 
  • To maximise precision and accuracy during your procedure, we digitally plan the surgery and use digitally designed implant crowns that eliminate the risk of error and complications down the road. 
  • We manage referrals for failed implant cases and address their concerns with compassion and care.
  • A fast-track service for efficient treatment
  • We offer a five-year warranty on the dental materials used during your procedure. 
  • We take an evidence-based approach to dentistry led only by scientific research and best practices.
  • We have a very friendly office team of reception staff, nurses, and experienced professionals who are willing to go above and beyond to improve your experience at our practice. 

If you are interested in getting dental implants, please do not hesitate to contact us. You can reach us at 0161 637 7370. You can also book a consultation appointment online at your own convenience and discuss your dental needs with our diverse community of experienced specialists.


The bottom line

Dental implants offer a safe and reliable long-term solution for replacing one or more missing teeth. They replace your tooth roots as they are embedded deep into your bone and serve as a resilient anchor for a replacement tooth, such as a crown, bridge, or denture. 

Dental implants have an incredible track record, with success rates in the high nineties. Not only do they replace missing teeth, but they also provide long-term benefits for maintaining oral health, easily surpassing other tooth replacement options in terms of functionality, comfort, and aesthetics. Thus, they are a worthwhile investment in your future dental health. 

Although getting implants may require several visits to the dentist and minor surgical procedures with a few months of healing time in between, it is well worth your time, patience, and money. 

Make your oral health a top priority today, and allow us to assist you in achieving your oral health goals. Call us at 0161-637-7370 to schedule a consultation with some of the leading experts in the field. 



What is the success rate for dental implants?

The success rate of dental implants depends largely on your overall health, lifestyle, and habits. People who are generally healthy and take care of their oral hygiene tend to have higher success rates than those who don’t. If cared for properly, dental implants can have a success rate of about 90%-95%. 

What is the recovery period for dental implants?

The recovery period for dental implants typically ranges from 3 to 6 months, depending on patient-related factors, such as their overall health, the complexity of the procedure, and the quality of bone around the implant. Initially, you may experience mild swelling and discomfort at the surgical site, which usually subsides within a few days to a week. 

What can you expect after a dental implant surgery?

After receiving an implant, you may expect some mild discomfort, soreness, swelling, bruising, and bleeding around the implant site. To help with this, you can: 

  • Take painkillers or over-the-counter medication to ease the pain
  • Ice the cheek near the implant site for at least 10 minutes for the first six hours following surgery
  • Take lots of rest and avoid strenuous activities 
  • Stick to a soft diet, like yoghurt, porridge, rice, or pasta
  • Brush your teeth normally, but avoid the implant site
  • Use an oral rinse or mouthwash as prescribed by your dentist