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Wisdom teeth are molars that grow at the very back of your mouth. There are two on the top and two on the bottom. They usually grow out when an adult is between 18 and 25, and can have between one and four roots and, sometimes, they present themselves horizontally in the jawline.

Not everyone’s wisdom teeth break the gum, and some people can get them later in life too. Its more common to have issues with these teeth than any other and the NHS believe that wisdom tooth extraction is one of the most common surgical procedures in the UK.

Why Are Wisdom Teeth Taken Out?

Wisdom teeth can cause a lot of pain for an individual. Wisdom teeth can impact other teeth – for example, there may not be any room in the gum for them to come out like other teeth do and this can cause a lot of pain. They can also cause damage to other nearby teeth when they come out.

Because of how tight the space is around wisdom teeth at the back of your gums, some people struggle to brush and floss wisdom teeth properly, meaning they can get cavities which can lead to infections. Some dentists recommend removal of wisdom teeth before they grow due to the risk of cysts, or the tooth causing problems for the roots of other teeth.

The NHS waiting time for wisdom teeth extractions is up to 12 months, which is a very long time to wait for the removal of these large teeth should they be causing you pain. Thankfully, as a private dentist in Manchester, we can offer you a quick and effective treatment for wisdom tooth extraction, without a long waiting list.

What to Expect from Wisdom Teeth Removal?

We can remove wisdom teeth one of two ways. If the tooth is above the gum, it’ll be removed like any other tooth. It’s a simple extraction; the tooth is loosened, then forceps are used to remove it. If the tooth is below the gum, or only partially showing, then a surgical extraction will be required to remove it. Wisdom teeth extraction can, therefore, involve a small incision into the gum to remove the tooth completely.

No matter what, you will always receive anaesthetics to numb the area around the tooth. This will likely be administered locally but, sometimes, can be administered through an intravenous line into your arm. Your dentist will talk you through the plan ahead of the treatment and ensure you are completely comfortable. We can also offer dental sedation in our Manchester clinic, should you require it.

What to do Before Wisdom Teeth Removal

Your dentist will talk you through preparing for wisdom teeth extraction before your appointment. However, its always a good idea to follow the below advice when undergoing a surgical procedure for tooth removal:

  1. Book the day off work and arrange childcare if possible. You will need recovery time after the procedure. Arrange for someone to drive you home if a sedative will be used.
  2. Let your dentist know if you have taken any medication as this can affect the anaesthetics used.
  3. If being sedated, please DO NOT eat or drink anything for 2 hours before the procedure.
  4. Stock up on the right kind of foods to eat after surgery; we will go into more detail about this below.

The Wisdom Teeth Removal Process

If your wisdom tooth hasn’t cut through the gum, or is only partially over the gum, then a small incision will be made into your gum to access the tooth. Its also possible that some of the jawbone may need to be removed too. Your dentist may cut the tooth into smaller parts to make it easier to remove.

Your dentist will widen the tooth socket by rocking your tooth backwards and forwards; you will feel pressure, but no pain due to the anaesthetics. If, at any point, you do feel pain, let your dentist know so they can supply more anaesthesia.

Once the tooth is removed, your gum will be stitched, and your dentist may ask you to bite down on gauze to put pressure onto the area where your tooth has been extracted from. This will help a blood clot form which will protect the area.

Wisdom Tooth Extraction Recovery and Pain Relief

The time it takes to recover from this procedure varies. However, it should take no longer than two weeks. During this time, you may experience some side effects of wisdom tooth extraction. These include swelling to the mouth and cheeks, mild bruising to your cheek, a sore jaw, some pain, an unpleasant taste in your mouth and, on the rare occasion, you can experience numbing or tingling in the face, lips or tongue.

To reduce swelling after wisdom teeth removal, you can use a cold compress or ice pack on the face. It’s recommended that you hold this on your face for 15 minutes, then remove for 15 minutes before putting it back on. If you have wisdom teeth removed on both sides of your face, you can move the compress from one side to the other for 15 minutes each time.

After 24 hours, you should switch to a heated compress and use heat in the same way for a few days. This should cover you for the peak of the swelling and it should start to reduce after this period. You can also use warm water with a teaspoon of salt as a mouthwash to reduce swelling in your gum but wait 24 hours after your treatment to do this.

To combat pain, you can use over the counter remedies like ibuprofen and paracetamol. Your dentist will advise if they believe you need anything stronger and offer a prescription should it be needed.  

If you undergo a surgical procedure, it is best to rest for a few days and avoid strenuous activity, and you can also use an extra pillow to support your head more at night.

What to Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removal

Any type of tooth extraction is going to cause some discomfort and it’s best to avoid the need to rinse your mouth and spit for at least 24 hours after treatment.

Hot drinks and hard-to-chew foods should also be avoided to ease pain and allow for the area to repair itself. Soft foods are recommended for the first few days after wisdom teeth extraction. These include things like soup, broth, ice cream, mashed potato, scrambled eggs and salmon.

Avoid things like spicy foods which can cause irritation, seeds and grains which can become lodged in the wound, and crunchy, crumbly or chewy foods, as these can dislodge the blood clot that forms over the area of extraction. Dislodging the blood clot will cause the recovery period to lengthen.

It’s also best to avoid alcohol until the wound starts to heal, as this can irritate it and interfere with prescribed medication.

Wisdom Teeth Removal from Bespoke Dental & Implant Clinic

We specialise in many different dental treatments, including wisdom teeth extractions in Manchester. Our dentists are very experienced in this procedure and will ensure you have all the knowledge you need to prepare and recover. If you need any more information about this procedure, they will be happy to help, so contact us today. Alternatively, if you are in need of an emergency dentist in Manchester, please call us on 0161 637 7370.