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Being pregnant is a beautiful time for most expectant mothers. Whether it is your first child or your third, the feeling of those little feet exploring the inside of your swelling abdomen is a feeling you will miss in the postnatal stage of motherhood. The female anatomy is an incredible construct. The capability of adapting quickly to the expanding womb inside is a phenomenon which can only be credited to mother nature.

However, many side effects of pregnancy often go unspoken in the excitement of bringing life into the world. Therefore, it is imperative that once you have recovered from giving birth and can get out and explore the world again, the first call you make is to book a routine check-up with your dentist. As a leading private dental clinic in Manchester, we understand that a new mum’s last priority is often herself, but we explore why a check-up is vital in the postnatal weeks.

Nutritional Vulnerability

From the moment your baby starts to grow inside your womb, your body will naturally share the vitamin intake to help create your beautiful, healthy baby. This share of nutrients can affect many women differently. While most expecting mums will suffer from nothing but the extra fatigue, on some occasions, pregnancy can detrimentally reduce your vitamin intake, leading to lower calcium and red blood cells that keep your gums and teeth healthy. This lack of essential vitamins can put your teeth in a vulnerable position and, without regular dental hygiene care, will result in cavities and brittle teeth.

To help ensure your vitamin intake is efficient for you and your growing baby, you must take the recommended folic acid and vitamin b12. This encourages the healthy growth of red blood cells, which promotes healthy gums. In addition, when recommended that you eat for two, it refers to the quality of the food rather than the quantity, so stocking up on healthy greens and nutritious food will benefit not only your pregnancy but your teeth too.

Morning Sickness and Nausea

An estimated 70-80% of women suffer from morning sickness in the first trimester of their pregnancy. It usually begins around week six and typically lessens by around week fourteen. This added side effect can also affect mothers throughout the entire pregnancy. Whilst usually harmless in health, morning sickness can severely impact your teeth.

Like with any vomiting, the acid, if not cleaned away, can quickly rot teeth and compromise the enamel protecting them. To help combat this, you can brush your teeth every time you are unwell, and regular check-ups with your dentist pre-empt any long-term issues.

Sugary and Injurious Cravings

It is no secret that pregnancy can bring about a variety of cravings and unusual habits. It is common for women to crave items that would otherwise be unusual in a regular diet, such as drywall and cement. Of course, these items must not be consumed due to their hazardous nature. It is best to discuss unusual cravings, like non-consumable items, with your midwife or doctor, as the cravings may signify a lack of iron or some other vitamin. However, if you are craving a safe but hard object such as ice cubes, you must be cautious as regular grinding of the teeth against a flat surface can cause misshaped and chipped teeth, which can be painful and require fixing.

Another issue with cravings is when they are particularly sugary. It is common for pregnant women to crave sweets and cake throughout their pregnancy, and too much of these without the dental care required can cause cavities, build-up of plaque and other gum health issues. Even craving fruit, whilst healthy for vitamin needs, can expose enamel to too much acid, which can cause devastating effects, including stains and cavities.

What Treatment Can You Receive Throughout Pregnancy?

Although pregnancy may limit your options for having a dental correction, it does not prevent you from going for essential regular check-ups. In fact, throughout pregnancy, dental check-ups are crucial more than ever due to your teeth’s vulnerability. The body is working so hard to produce a healthy baby that the mother is open to more issues than a healthy adult. Gingivitis can be common through pregnancies, along with abscesses and gum disease.

If you succumb to any of these issues whilst pregnant, we offer the best urgent dental care in Manchester and can fix some issues to prevent you from being in pain. However, we would advise postponing many procedures until after the pregnancy for the safety of both the mum and baby.

During pregnancy, several preventative measures are needed to prevent tooth decay.

  • Regular maintenance – Flossing between meals, brushing twice a day and using mouthwash.
  • Limit sugar and acid – Reducing the amount of sugar and acid you regularly intake can help prevent decay.
  • Morning sickness brushing – If you are vomiting a lot, brush your teeth each time.
  • Swish oil – Coconut oil is an excellent protectant for your teeth, and washing it around your mouth for up to 20 minutes daily can assist in preventing tooth issues.

Once patients have given birth, we can discuss any cosmetic dentistry and develop a treatment plan to fix any non-urgent problems which arose during pregnancy. So, if you have recently given birth or are towards the end of your pregnancy and looking to feel a little more glamorous in that postnatal glow, why not book your smile makeover, designed bespoke to you and your needs?

You can enquire online about any of our services or call us directly for information on getting help through your pregnancy.