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If you’re nervous about the dentist, you’re not alone. Dental fear is more common than you may think, but we can help ease your anxiety – as a private dentist in Manchester, we have experience dealing with nervous patients, so we can help you feel more comfortable.

Oral health is extremely important and can affect other areas of the body (for instance, gum disease is associated with heart disease), so fear of the dentist shouldn’t stop you from having your mouth checked often.

Causes of Dental Fear

Dental anxiety can stem from several causes, including a previous bad experience, which is perhaps one of the most common reasons why people avoid the dentist.

Many people are also afraid that their dentist will hurt them or cause them pain in any form, while others don’t like feeling as vulnerable as they do in the chair. Another common fear is the one related to the instruments used by the dentist, such as the drill, which can cause people to panic when they hear it.

Sometimes, depending on the treatment you’re having done, you may have to get a shot, and many people are scared of needles (as well as scared that they might not work, leaving you feeling everything).

You may also feel embarrassed that your teeth have not been taken care of properly, which may make you want to avoid the dentist – however, this is one of the most important reasons to have your mouth checked by a professional. Dentists have genuinely seen everything, so you don’t have to feel embarrassed or put off a visit no matter what.

Finally, the root of your fear could be associated with anxiety over potential bad news – if you’ve not seen a dentist for a long time or have been having issues with your gums or teeth, then you may be scared of what the dentist will tell you.

Downsides of Avoiding the Dentist

Putting off a visit to the dentist can have severe consequences, so it’s important to schedule regular appointments to ensure the health of your teeth and gums.

If you don’t have your mouth checked regularly, cavities may get worse, plaque and tartar will keep developing, you can develop gum disease or lose a tooth, and your teeth can also get discoloured over time – we offer teeth whitening in Manchester to help with this!

Of course, if you have a true phobia of the dentist, then making yourself attend an appointment can be easier said than done. Phobias can be treated with exposure therapy, and certain medication may help with anxiety as well – though you may not need this.

How to Overcome Dental Fear

Learning how to overcome the anxiety associated with the dentist is crucial for your mental wellbeing – it will also help you book and attend all appointments and feel comfortable when on the chair.

To achieve this, you must choose the right dentist for you. A good dentist will help you feel in control, something that can lower your anxiety levels. They can do this by explaining what you’ll be feeling and what the treatment entails – as well as how long it’s expected to last.

They should also ask permission before going ahead with any procedures, and you must feel like you have the opportunity to stop the treatment any time you want. Another thing to consider is taking breaks as needed.

You can also choose to visit the dentist as early as you can in the morning to prevent the anxiety from building up throughout the day and bring someone with you if you feel more comfortable.

Keeping up regular appointments will not only help you to maintain a healthy mouth, but it will also help you to let go of your fear little by little, since you’ll start to get used to the dentist.

Of course, there is also sedation – this can help you feel calm and relaxed, instead of distressed. We offer sedation dentistry in Manchester, so you can be confident that you’ll feel more comfortable and at ease when you attend an appointment.

Sedation at Bespoke Dental Clinic

If you require sedation, because you’re scared of pain, have had bad experiences in the past, don’t like needles or are worried about your teeth, we offer two different methods.

You can choose between oral or intravenous sedation. Oral sedation means ingesting a sedative tablet 30 minutes before your treatment and, if you’re afraid of getting a shot, this may be the best solution for you. Our intravenous method is done with a cannula placed on your arm or the back of your hand, while a sedative is administered slowly.

If you’d like to learn more about our sedation options or about any other treatment we offer, speak to us at any time. We’d be happy to hear from you. In addition to booking appointments with Bespoke Dental Clinic, you can also benefit from our emergency dental care in Manchester and Salford if you’ve got urgent work.