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There are many reasons you may have put off getting braces during your younger teenage years. However, as an adult, you may regret that decision. Don’t worry. There are many who seek teeth alignment and braces as an adult, so it is never too late to fix the issues you may be seeing in your mouth every day.

As a cosmetic dentist in Manchester, we understand the importance of getting the appearance you wish with a beautiful smile. However, correctly aligned teeth also significantly benefit your dental health. We explore why getting braces, even as an adult, is essential for your teeth.

The Importance of Correct Teeth Alignment

Although achieving the perfect Hollywood smile is usually a cosmetic choice which improves confidence in your appearance, it can also ensure a better bite. A good bite offers many benefits for function and good oral health. For example, misaligned teeth can put stress on the jaw in the wrong place, and stress could lead to temporomandibular joint issues over time, impairing speech, making it more challenging to articulate words and even creating oral health issues. Having beautifully straight teeth is beneficial in an aesthetic way, but there are many other ways straight teeth can help with oral health and bone structure.

Straight teeth make regular dental cleaning habits, such as flossing and brushing, much easier and more effective. Without straight teeth, there are more chances of bacteria becoming trapped between the tooth and gums, which can cause cavities and tooth decay. So, ensuring your teeth are aligned is essential for protecting them and offering a beautiful white smile.

The Various Options for Teeth Alignment  

Although many patients will often rectify any misalignment during their teenage years, we regularly see adults coming to us as leading private orthodontists in Manchester looking for a solution to crooked teeth. Luckily there are many options to correct teeth alignment for adults.

As you would expect, traditional braces are metal brackets connected by a wire tightened over time. This option has been used for many years due to its incredible success. However, they can often be unsightly and very noticeable, which is why many adults put off getting braces.

Lingual braces function much like traditional braces. However, these are installed behind the teeth to help correct the shape of a bite. Although this fixes the issue of the visibility of the brace, it can often be challenging to keep clean and could compromise your teeth.

Ceramic braces are often the more popular option for many adults. This brace style offers ceramic brackets that are much less glaring. However, there is still the issue of keeping the small gaps clean.

Removable and clear aligners are our most popular kind of braces. As a specialist in clear braces in Manchester, this option is by far the most effective and aesthetically pleasing option for straightening teeth. The aligner is a clear plastic covering for your teeth, made custom to your teeth and, over time, move your teeth into a more appealing position. These can be removed for cleaning and eating, making them the more practical option for day-to-day life.

Invisalign Braces Vs Traditional Braces

The ultimate goal of braces is to reposition teeth into a position which makes teeth less aligned and straight. For this, any brace will offer the desired outcome. However, as an adult, traditional braces have issues that can be solved using clear aligners such as Invisalign. Ultimately though, the kind of brace you may need could depend on the severity of the misalignment.

If there is a severe issue of overcrowding or jaw alignment, traditional braces offer the more robust option and can help correct any number of orthodontics issues, such as an overbite. However, suppose teeth have grown through at a bit of a difficult angle, upsetting the natural evenness of your teeth. In that case, invisible braces can provide everything you need to achieve a beautiful bite and stunning straight smile.

Clear aligners are virtually invisible, making them a better option for anyone worrying about the appearance of braces. They can also be removed for eating and cleaning, which can help prevent tooth decay. Traditional braces are challenging to keep clean, and often, food items will be caught on the brackets, which could pose a risk to the health of your teeth. In addition, metal braces are renowned for breaking due to patients eating food, which is advised against. In contrast, Invisalign braces can be removed for cleaning and eating, eliminating the issues often familiar with traditional braces.

How Long Can You Expect to Wear Braces as an Adult?

Another element that prevents adults from correcting their teeth is how long it will take to straighten them with the help of braces. Of course, each case is different depending on the severity of the misalignment. In addition, each type of brace offers various time lengths to complete the alignment correcting.

Traditional braces, on average, can effectively move teeth into position within 12 to 24 months. However, if the misalignment is more severe, this may require much longer, with many patients requiring up to 3 years to ensure the effectiveness of the treatment.

Any realignment of teeth requires the strict following of any advice your dentist gives, as this will help reduce the time needed to complete treatment. Invisalign braces, on the other hand, can take 6-12 months to complete the treatment. This will depend again on the severity of the treatment required.

Why Should I Get Braces as an Adult?

Although you may have lived the majority of your life with the same misalignment you may be considering correcting, without difficulties, straightening your teeth is essential for their longevity. As you age, teeth can lose some of their strength and resilience, which makes them much more vulnerable to damage and decay. If you have crooked teeth, this could contribute to the build-up of plaque and bacteria, which could compromise the dexterity of your teeth.

So, getting your teeth straightened is not just about getting a beautiful Hollywood-winning smile. It is essential for the health of your jaw and your teeth. But, if you are opposed to braces due to nervousness, then fear not. At Bespoke Dental Clinic, we specialise as a nervous patient dentist surgery, so we can put your mind at ease, whatever your worries are. For more information on our invisible braces or other treatment options, feel free to enquire online. Our team are waiting to help you get the smile you have always dreamed of.