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With summer in full swing, many of us indulge in our favourite cold treats and beverages to beat the heat. However, this season can also be challenging for those with sensitive teeth. Today, we’ll explore how to care for sensitive teeth when enjoying ice cream and cold beverages, offer tips on avoiding foods, and emphasise the importance of regular dental care during summer.

What Causes Sensitive Teeth?

Sensitive teeth can be caused by tooth decay, gum disease, or several other factors. It can also develop at any point in life and affect your teeth differently. Sensitive teeth can also be caused by factors including:

  • Brushing too hard or using the wrong toothbrush
  • Teeth grinding/clenching at night
  • Dry mouth (caused by Sjogren’s syndrome or other medical conditions)

Sensitive teeth can cause mild to severe pain in your mouth. It might feel like an ache or throbbing sensation. Cold foods and beverages usually trigger the pain. You may also feel pain if you brush too hard, drink acidic beverages like soda or fruit juice, or use mouthwash with alcohol in it.

How to Avoid Teeth Sensitivity

In most cases, sensitive teeth can be prevented by taking care to avoid causing damage to the enamel and gums and keeping your mouth hydrated.

The first step is figuring out what’s causing the sensitivity in the first place. If the pain is caused by bruxism, you may wish to consider finding a treatment which restores the shape and crowns of your teeth with the like of our expert dental veneers in Manchester, which will not only restore the shape of your teeth but protect them where the enamel may have worn away. We can also advise finding a mouthguard that may help protect your teeth if you struggle to break the habit.

Of course, good dental hygiene habits are the best way to avoid getting sensitive teeth, as this will strengthen the enamel. Find a toothpaste containing fluoride and brush your teeth at least twice a day. As a professional dentist in Manchester, we also recommend flossing once a day and using mouthwash which helps remove plaque between the teeth.

Dealing With Summer Foods and Drinks

Summer is an exciting time for eating and drinking, but it can also be when you are more likely to experience tooth sensitivity. For instance, Summer is the perfect season for fruit in the UK, and it’s the best time to enjoy a punnet of strawberries and cream in the back garden.

Whilst fruit is an excellent source of vitamins and essential as part of a balanced diet, it can also cause tooth sensitivity. The acidity in the fruit and drinks can damage your enamel and cause sensitivity, especially if eaten or drank too frequently. So, when consuming fruits, always thoroughly clean your teeth at the end of the day to prevent acid build-up.

Another worry for most patients with sensitive teeth during summer is consuming cold beverages or food like ice cream. After all, when the sun is shining, nothing feels more cooling than a cold drink. People with sensitive teeth can still enjoy ice cream and beverages but may need additional steps. Instead of biting into the ice cream, try licking it to minimise direct contact with the sensitive areas of your teeth.

Minimising the contact of the cold item with your teeth can prevent it from causing discomfort if you have teeth sensitivity. You can also opt for using a straw for particularly cold drinks.

Tips for Caring for Teeth During Summer

Summer is a time for fun and relaxation, but it’s essential to remember your dental health. Here are three more tips to ensure your teeth stay healthy during the warmer months:

Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water throughout the day keeps you hydrated and helps wash away food particles and bacteria from your mouth, reducing the risk of tooth decay and gum disease. Additionally, water can help neutralise acids from food and drinks that can erode tooth enamel.

Limit sugar intake: Summer treats like ice cream and sugary drinks can increase the risk of tooth decay. Limit sugar intake and choose healthier alternatives such as sugar-free beverages.

When you indulge in sugary treats, rinse your mouth with water afterwards to help remove sugar residue from your teeth, or if you can, use mouthwash, as this will help kill any bacteria build-up.

Maintain oral hygiene on holiday: Summer holidays can disrupt your regular oral hygiene routine, but it’s essential to maintain good habits even when you’re away from home. If you’re going on a long trip, consider scheduling a dental check-up before you leave to address any potential issues and ensure your teeth are in good shape.

 As an emergency dentist in Manchester, we often get calls from patients on holiday looking for treatments, so wherever you go, be sure to know where to find an emergency dentist close by in case you require treatment whilst away.

Get the Healthy Smile You Deserve

Whilst sensitive teeth is a common issue for many people in the UK, it should not cause discomfort to the point that you cannot eat or drink certain foods. If you are experiencing pain, why not book a consultation with our dentists today?

We can help restore your teeth with the likes of our leading smile makeovers in Manchester. We will work with you to offer a bespoke treatment plan suitable for your desired outcome. Whatever your dental dreams are, we are here to help you achieve them.