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A dental implant is a long-term, subtle solution for replacing missing or damaged teeth. This procedure involves a titanium screw fitting into the jawbone to replace the damaged or missing root. A crown or denture is then fitted over the top to create a natural-looking tooth.

Dental implants are not only a solution for the loss of a tooth, but they also have several other benefits. These include improving self-confidence, solving chewing and biting issues, and supporting facial and bone structure. For people to fully enjoy the benefits of a dental implant, it is crucial that they are taken good care of.

As a private dentist in Manchester, we are experts in dental implant care, and, by following our top tips, you can ensure that your implant will remain in high-quality condition.

General Dental Hygiene

As with regular teeth, a certain level of general dental hygiene must be maintained in order to keep your dental implants healthy. The primary practice for good oral hygiene is to brush your teeth twice a day and floss once daily. Continuing with this routine will help to care for your dental implant as well as your natural teeth.

A top tip for extra precision when brushing and flossing is to use an interdental brush. Regular dental floss can cause excess shredding against the titanium implant, which could cause infection and disease. However, using an interdental brush can provide a more effective clean as they can reach different areas with their flexible sweeping motion.

It should also be noted that it is important to take extra care when brushing the dental implant. Plaque can build up on the implant over time, so it is vital to brush thoroughly to prevent this. However, it is critical to not be too vigorous in brushing, as this could also lead to teeth and gum damage.

Visiting the Dentist Regularly

Regular trips to the dentist can also include a cleaning session for your implant. Having a professional clean guarantees that your dental implant is plaque-free and minimises the risk of infection. Although brushing regularly can prevent this, it is important to receive a thorough clean on the implant twice a year.

It is recommended that you visit your dentist twice a year to ensure that any hidden issues can be found and dealt with. Not only is it essential for your natural teeth, but it is also recommended that your dental implant is checked out as often as that. Visiting the dentist every six months for your dental checkup means that you can ensure your implant is in good condition, and, if not, this issue can be rectified.

Stop Smoking

Aside from the health benefits of quitting smoking, it is important for good oral hygiene to quit smoking. Smoking has been found to decrease the amount of saliva produced in your mouth, which suppresses the immune system and can lead to a higher risk of gum infections. If you have an active case of gum disease, you will not have dental implants. Alternatively, for those already with dental implants, gum disease can cause significant damage and may lead to the implant falling out.

Smoking can also promote the weakening of the bone structure, which inevitably leads to dental implant failure. If the bone structure is weak, it cannot support the dental implant. Since dental implants are embedded into the jaw and fused to the bone, a weak or decaying bone structure can cause problems or prevent the implant from taking.

Limited Alcohol Consumption

Heavy alcohol consumption can have an adverse effect on your dental implants. Drinking too much alcohol can cause inadequate blood supply, which leads to Avascular Necrosis. This is a condition in which the bone begins to die and can affect the jaw’s bone structure and lead to the same issues as with smoking. It remains important to dental implant care to limit alcohol consumption, therefore limiting the chances of Avascular Necrosis.

Avoid Hard and Sticky Foods

Foods such as toffee, boiled sweets, nuts, and any other hard or chewy foods should be avoided when fitted with a dental implant. Although your implants are permanent and are not likely to become loose, hard and tough foods should still be avoided. Eating foods like this can cause damage to the dental implant.

There are also certain foods such as popcorn which should be avoided if you have a dental implant. Any food that is a seed can be dangerous as it can get stuck between the teeth and gums and damage your implants. Eating softer foods can help to maintain the condition of your implant as well as prolong its lifespan.

Take Care of Your Dental Implants

It is vital to take good care of your dental implants to reduce the risk of infection and also to ensure that the dental implant remains fitted. Not only should you practice good oral hygiene, but you should also visit the hygienist twice a year.

At Bespoke Dental Clinic, we fit dental implants in Manchester to fix your missing teeth and boost your self-confidence. If you are looking for more information on this procedure or an emergency dentist in Manchester, contact us today.