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When achieving the perfect smile, there are many alternatives to get a natural but stunning appearance. Whether you are looking to hide imperfections or fill in missing gaps due to tooth loss, there are plenty of options. One of the common questions we often receive at Bespoke Dental is whether a patient should choose dental veneers or replace the tooth entirely with a dental implant.

As a leading private dentist in Manchester, we will be exploring both options of dental treatment to help you understand which route may be best for you and help you make an informed decision.

What Are Veneers?

‘Veneer’ is derived from the French word ‘Vigne’, which means ‘vine’. The term ‘veneer’ was first used in reference to a thin layer of wood used to cover up defects on furniture pieces, and it was only in the late 1800s that dentists started using this term for teeth.

Dental veneers are very thin layers of porcelain material that are bonded to the front surface of your teeth. They serve as a protective covering for damaged or discoloured teeth and can improve their appearance dramatically. This cosmetic procedure can also be used to straighten crooked teeth or close gaps between teeth that aren’t wide enough for crowns.

How Do Veneers Work?

The process begins with taking an impression of your mouth, so we can create a mould that fits perfectly around your teeth and gums. The mould will then be worked on, turning it into a custom-made ceramic or porcelain shell made specifically for you. We will provide a temporary veneer until you return for the fitting in your second appointment.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are devices used to support replacement teeth that look, feel and function like natural teeth, anchoring artificial teeth to make them stable. The implant may be the size of a small pea or larger than the root of a natural tooth.

Dental implants can be used to replace one or more missing teeth and can help maintain your facial structure as well as improve your ability to speak, eat and smile with confidence. Implants are made of either titanium or a combination of titanium and porcelain. The implant is placed into the jawbone, fusing to the surrounding tissue and acting as a crown or bridge anchor. A crown can be used to cover the implant and make it look like your natural tooth.

How Do Dental Implants Work?

A dental implant comprises two main parts: the implant itself and the abutment (or connector). The implant is placed into the bone, acting as an anchor for an artificial tooth (called a crown). The abutment is attached to the top of the implant and extends over the gums for easy access when brushing and flossing. It also helps keep your new crown firmly in place during chewing and speaking.

Implants can be placed in any bone within your mouth that still has healthy tissue around it and are placed under the gum tissue, fusing with the bone over time (usually within three to six months). Once this process is complete, a crown can be placed over the top of the abutment and attached to your natural teeth using strong cement.

The Difference in the Two Treatments

The two dental treatments are different in many ways. Veneers are a thin covering applied to your teeth to improve their appearance. They can be used to fix gaps, correct chips, and fill discoloured areas. In contrast, implants are artificial roots placed into your jawbone so that you can attach false teeth to them.

Veneers Vs Implants: The Cost

The cost of each procedure depends on the nature of work required and the dentist you choose. For example, if you choose our dental veneers in Manchester, the costs will start from £590. However, our bespoke dental implants in Machester could cost significantly more. This is because the implant procedure requires more time than veneer treatment and requires more complex surgical skills.

Which Treatment Suits Which Dental Issue Best?

Veneers are only suitable when the original tooth has enough structure to attach to, whereas implants are a better option to fill in missing gaps. However, if you have lost several teeth at once, it would be difficult to replace them all with veneers. If your teeth are just chipped, misshapen or discoloured, veneers are the better alternative as these are non-invasive treatments and can offer instant results once your veneers are fitted.

However, veneers can chip off if they are not well-maintained or handled roughly. This makes them unsuitable for older people who might be unable to care for themselves properly due to their age or health condition. Whereas implant dentistry can be used in any age group, it does require some preparation beforehand by your dentist. It is ideal if you visit them at least six months before getting an implant placed in your mouth so that they can ensure there is no problem with your bone density or other issues that could cause problems with the implant.

Both of these treatments are permanent solutions for poor dental structure. This can be a big step if you are unsure about making the right decision for your teeth.

If you are looking for veneers to improve the appearance of your teeth but are unsure about the long-term impact, you could also consider our composite bonding in Manchester, which keeps your teeth in their current state but uses the material to provide a more appealing appearance, without permanently changing the shape of your teeth.

The Importance of a Perfect Smile

Missing or broken teeth can be a significant problem. Not only does it affect your ability to chew and speak, but it also affects your confidence and self-esteem. People often underestimate the importance of good dental care until they suffer from an oral health problem. However, there are many reasons why people should take their dental health seriously.

Dental problems can cause headaches, jaw pain and other symptoms like ear infections. This is because when the mouth is not healthy, it can affect the whole body. Misaligned teeth can also cause plaque build-up due to gaps and hard-to-reach areas when brushing, leading to cavities and tooth decay. Dental issues such as cavities and gum disease can lead to heart problems if left untreated for long periods. The bacteria from teeth can enter the bloodstream and cause inflammation or infection in other body parts, such as blood vessels or heart valves, leading to heart attacks or strokes.

So achieving the perfect teeth is not just about getting the brightest smile on the block. It is also about maintaining overall health for your body, so it is never too late to consider getting the smile you deserve.

Finding a Solution to Suit Your Needs

We understand that choosing the correct option for your needs can be challenging, which is why we are here to help. Our mission is to restore confidence through personalised, advanced dental treatments tailored to each patient’s needs. With our smile makeovers in Manchester, you can experience the latest technology and a dedicated team focused on your perfect smile and dental health. Get the smile you have always dreamed of and start your journey today—choose Bespoke Dental Clinic for the ultimate patient experience.