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Sedation dentistry embodies the philosophy of ‘putting patients at ease’ and allows us to deliver an effective, professional and reliable service. It is an invaluable service for nervous patients who may otherwise struggle to receive regular dental treatment. As an experienced sedation dental clinic in Manchester, we will explore the treatment option of sedation dentistry and its importance for ensuring good dental health.

What Is Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry is a form of dental care that uses medication to produce a state of relaxation. Patients will feel calm and comfortable during their treatment but will often still be aware of their surroundings. The use of sedation dentistry dates back to the late 1800s when nitrous oxide, local anaesthesia, and general anaesthesia were first used in dental procedures. However, it wasn’t until the 1900s that intravenous (IV) sedation was developed and practised by dentists.

It was only recognised as a speciality in 2004 by the General Dental Council (GDC). The GDC sets standards for dental professionals in the UK, including how they should care for patients during treatment.

The different types of sedation dentistry include:

Oral conscious sedation involves taking an oral tablet that relaxes you so you don’t feel pain during your dental treatment. Oral conscious sedation is usually used when all your teeth need to be treated at once (for example, if you have braces fitted) or when there are multiple problems with your teeth (such as fillings, crowns or extractions).

Inhalational conscious sedation involves breathing in a gas through a mask that makes you sleepy during your treatment but doesn’t put you to sleep. This is usually used for short treatments such as fillings, crowns or extractions. It is also used for root canal treatments as these can be painful without sedation.

IV Sedation is similar to inhalational conscious sedation but involves an injection of a drug into your veins instead of breathing it in through a mask. This can be used for longer treatments such as dental implants or root canals.

Is Sedation Dentistry Safe, and Are There Any Health Implications?

While sedation dentistry is a safe and effective way to treat many dental issues, there are some illnesses which may prevent the use of sedation. So if you are considering the likes of our smile makeovers in Manchester, with the help of sedation, it is always important to discuss any health conditions which may affect your treatment plan.

There are several health conditions which could affect your sedation choices.

Heart problems, including irregular heartbeats or heart disease caused by high blood pressure or diabetes, can make it risky for you to have dental treatment while under sedation. Other examples of health conditions include asthma and seizure conditions such as epilepsy. Asthma makes it difficult for you to breathe normally, and this can make it harder for your dentist to keep you safe during your treatment. Additionally, if you suffer from seizures or epilepsy, there is an increased risk of having one while under sedation treatment because it lowers your level of consciousness. Your dentist will discuss whether you are suitable for sedation with their anaesthetist before starting any treatment.

However, sedation for dentistry treatments for most patients is perfectly safe, and it is the best way to ensure a comfortable and relaxed patient experience. The General Dental Council, the Faculty of General Dental Practice (UK) and the Scottish Dental Clinical Effectiveness Programme have developed standards for conscious sedation in the provision of dental care. Only trained professionals can carry out this treatment. As a well-established and leading private dentist in Manchester, we ensure our staff are fully up to date with any training before administering sedation techniques.

What Are the Benefits of Sedation Dentistry?

There are many ways sedation can help with dental treatments, and here are some reasons why:

  • Complete relaxation – sedation dentistry allows you to be completely relaxed during your appointment, so there is no need to worry or feel anxious. This can help you to relax and focus on your dental treatment.
  • No pain – sedation dentistry makes it possible to avoid any discomfort while undergoing treatment. There is no pain associated with sedation dentistry as the patient is asleep throughout the procedure.
  • Improved oral health – sedation dentistry can improve oral health by allowing for more thorough cleaning and scaling, which helps prevent further decay and gum disease. It also means that patients can benefit from regular checkups with their dentist, even if they find these appointments stressful or uncomfortable in their current state of mind.

Beat the Anxiety with Help from Bespoke Dental

If you fear dental treatments and find yourself avoiding regular checkups and treatments, it’s time to seek help. Whether you are suffering from toothache due to unresolved issues or are looking to upgrade your smile with our composite veneers in Manchester, we can make the process much more easing with our sedation dentistry. At Bespoke Dental, we understand that going to the dentist can be daunting for many patients. We are here to support you through your journey towards achieving better oral health and the smile you have always dreamed of by offering a range of services designed specifically for those who may find this process difficult. Speak with our team today for a consultant on treatments to help you smile confidently again, no matter how nervous dental surgeries make you feel.